Dots Dynamite

 Rainbow Bridge /

Sadly, Dynamite was helped to the bridge Wednesday, November 10, 2010. Below is an email written by his foster mom, Beth:

As you all know Dynamite was returned to GEM in August in hopes of finding a new forever home. During his vetting to get him ready to find a forever home, it was discovered he had severe periodontal disease that was going to take more than just a dental.

Sarah and Matt took Dynamite in with them to foster while this process was being done. It was discovered that Dynamite would benefit from a canine dental specialist so he was GUR’d back up to Michigan ( from Indiana, where Sarah & Matt live) by the GEM store with Merrie West at the wheel on Saturday evening. I brought him home and he went to see Dr Colmery yesterday. Minus 19 teeth, he came through with flying colours.

This afternoon, my dog sitter called me at about 1:30 and said I needed to get home right away. When he arrived it was obvious that Dynamite had an injury to his left front leg. I immediately called the vet and left work.

Dr. Vicky Lamb saw Dynamite immediately. After examining him it was confirmed that his shoulder fractured as the result of Osteo.

Dynamite was helped to the Bridge this afternoon.

He never got to show anyone but me his new smile.. For those of you who are old timers with GEM, you will remember that Clay & I fostered him in 2002 when he came in. He was our foster for over a year. I think my dog sitter said it the best when he said that I was with him to start his new life as a pet and I was also there to help him on his final journey.

Run Free Dynamite……….. You have a very special spot in my heart as you do in Sarah’s too.


  • Listing ID: 12183
  • Call Name: Dynamite
  • Pet Name: Dynamite
  • Color: Black
  • Sex: Male
  • Arrived On: 11/09/2002
  • Right Ear: 120B
  • Left Ear: 92771
  • Sire: Molotov
  • Dam: Dot's Willow
  • Adopted By: Barnhart
  • DOB: 12/07/2000
  • Deceased: 11/10/2010
  • Weight: 81
  • Littermates: lbs.
  • Pet Safe Note: Dots Bomb, Dots Cracker, Dots Tnt