Hollywood Girl

 Cyber Sofa /

Cookie is small dog safe and cat safe. My name is Cookie and I just had my second birthday so I am very young. Don’t let that fool you though I am very sweet and laid back and sometimes even a little shy. I love other pets big and small canine and feline alike. I’m very quiet but I will talk to you when I get excited. My foster mom says I remind her of a super model with my tiny little waist and long skinny legs. I do have to agree I really think she’s on to something there. I love my crate, its my safe spot and don’t mind hanging out in there at all. I like to be by people so don’t be surprised if I am next to your side or laying by your feet.
Cookie won the hearts of Dan and Monica Gladys and her adoption papers were signed on September 25, 2009. Congrats!!!

  • Listing ID: 12877
  • Call Name: Cookie
  • Pet Name: Cookie
  • Color: Brindle
  • Sex: Female
  • Arrived On: 02/01/2009
  • Adopted On: 09/25/2009
  • Left Ear: 40495
  • Sire: Craigie Whistler
  • Dam: Greys Juliette
  • Adopted By: Gladys
  • DOB: 01/13/2007
  • Weight: 56 lbs.
  • Littermates: Hollywood Adam, Hollywood Kevin, Hollywood Kyle, Hollywood Mike