JA's Meg Ryan

 Cyber Sofa /

All I can say about Meg is that she is perfect in everyway. She is having belly issues right now because change in diet but she is so smart and in tune with herself she lets me know she has to go potty in dog language. I never fostered before so it is very very difficult not to spoil her and lavish her with new things but I am lavishing her with pets rubs and ear scrithes. I also never have experienced getting a greyhound from prison program. Wow!!!! I am blown away but this Greyhound for sure.

So far she ignores the cats. My Simon and Leo are long time Greyhound fans. The go up to her and rub on her with no reaction except where Meg sniffs them and wonders what kind of strange creatures are these. The only thing that happens is when my toy poodle or one of the cats start to play. Meg is a lot bigger than they are so we have to be diligently muzzled and then she is allowed to play with them. I just don’t want her thinking they are stuffies. LOL

As far as toys goes she is not yet a stuffie Queen. She is interested in the squeak but does not yet play with them. As for housebreaking. She potties on lead as well as off lead. She prefers grass but we are going on all kinds of surfaces so she knows its okay to go on the gravel in the dog run. She is not fond of the gravel but will go potty reluctantly so I am happy she is adapting to everything.

She turned inside out of herself when my friend Patrick came over yesterday. Her reaction to him was heartwarming and very different from having a shy spooky greyhound like my Lexie used to be. She was happy as pie someone came to visit with us. I fed her scrambled eggs with rice this morning for her belly and that she is doing okay with …. So tonight I am gonna make her some turkey and rice with some kibble mixed in and she is that allivates the belly problem.

  • Listing ID: 15665
  • Call Name: Meg
  • Color: White w/Brindle
  • Sex: Female
  • Arrived On: 02/11/2016
  • Adopted On: Hoover, Richard & Sharon
  • Right Ear: 58016
  • Left Ear: 22E
  • Sire: Kiowa Sweet Trey
  • Dam: JA's Sidewinder
  • DOB: 02/20/2012
  • Pet Safe Note: Cat & Small Dog Safe
  • Racing Owner: Abrahamson, Janice