Lil Ms Charlotte

 Rainbow Bridge /

Charlotte is cat safe and small dog safe. She does well with kids.

It is with such a very heavy heart that I tell all of you that Lil Miss Charlotte was helped to the bridge on April 21, 2004. Charlotte passed peacefully and surrounded with a great deal of love. Charlotte has been ill for about a month now and was recently diagnosed with cancer. I feel so blessed to have known Charlotte and found that she was such a loving and wonderful dog….just like her sister, my Holly. Charlotte was so loved by her foster family, Bob & Lauri Nader and a special little caregiver by the name of Dominic, who is taking
Charlotte’s passing so hard in his own little heart. None of us understand why some dogs just aren’t given enough time with us. Somehow, it just doesn’t seem fair but God only understands why.

So my dear Charlotte, you are free to run like the wind and you will be missed terribly.


You fought hard to stay alive my friend.
In the end, though,
you couldn’t conquer death.
But neither did death conquer you.
Death cures all diseases,
mends all broken bones,
breaks all chains
And made you free at last.

Lil Miss Charlotte
September 19, 1994 ~ April 21, 2004

  • Listing ID: 14626
  • Call Name: Charlotte
  • Pet Name: Charlotte
  • Color: Black
  • Sex: Female
  • Arrived On: 01/25/2004
  • Right Ear: 94?
  • Left Ear: 42555
  • Sire: Oshkosh Racey
  • Dam: Rikasso Bunn
  • Adopted By: Nader
  • DOB: 09/19/1994
  • Deceased: 04/21/2004
  • Littermates: One Racey Lady female