Michigan Boy

 Cyber Sofa /

Only positive remarks for this tall, sweet boy. My Boy has free run of the house during the day. He does not counter surf, has not had any accidents, and gets along wonderfully with our two other greyhounds. At night he crates like a dream. He walks right in and settles down for the entire night. My Boy likes his walks and when on his walks will stay beside you with no tugging or pulling. He can handle loud noises; sleeps through fireworks, thunderstorms, and surround sound. He is living with a family of five right now and gets along great with children. When it’s time to go for a car ride he gets into the vehicle and lays right down for the entire trip. He isn’t clingy but he does like to keep his eye on you. This calm and gentle boy with beautiful markings will steal your heart. My Boy is also cat safe. For more information on My Boy, contact his foster parents Janet & Mike.
My Boy found his forever couch in the home of Byron and Valerie Drachman on July 27, 2009. Congratulations!!

  • Listing ID: 12687
  • Call Name: My Boy
  • Pet Name: My Boy
  • Color: White and Red Fawn
  • Sex: Male
  • Arrived On: 06/26/2009
  • Adopted On: 07/27/2009
  • Right Ear: 85?
  • Left Ear: 34151
  • Sire: Clappin Thunder
  • Dam: Rigga Jig Jig
  • Adopted By: Drachman
  • DOB: 08/08/2005
  • Weight: 70 lbs.
  • Littermates: Clepto Clyde, Hazardous Play, Misty Leader, Rio River, Silver Ruckus, Silver Runaway, Ugo Cafe Ole