PF Kiss

 Rainbow Bridge /

Duke is very laid back and takes his retirement quite seriously. He gets along great with all of our other dogs and our birds. I might be biased, but he is the BEST dog in the whole world! Duke is the greyhound that got us involved with greyhound rescue and adoption. On September 4, 2000 at 4:05am, Duke was assisted to the Rainbow Bridge. His family was there with him in his final moments. Duke had been diagnosed with liver failure in April. He fought his disease until September and then started to get very sick. Duke was my friend….he still is. I may not be able to see him and touch him, but I know that he is still with me. ~ Written by Duke’s Mom, Missie Harhold. To view Dukes Memorial page on her website, follow this link.

  • Listing ID: 14674
  • Call Name: Duke
  • Pet Name: Duke
  • Color: Fawn
  • Sex: Male
  • Arrived On: 01/01/1996
  • Adopted On: 10/07/1996
  • Right Ear: 16A
  • Sire: Chevy Montecarlo
  • Dam: Pat C Flyer
  • Adopted By: Harhold
  • DOB: 08/11/1991
  • Deceased: 09/04/2000
  • Weight: 70 lbs.