Pg's Capedcrusader

 Cyber Sofa /

Enterd the TGIE Prison Program on 12/13/12. Cap’s graduation date is March 7th. More info to follow. Cap is home! He was adopted by Blake Wagner on April 1, 2013.

  • Listing ID: 14877
  • Call Name: Cap
  • Pet Name: Cap
  • Color: Brindle
  • Sex: Male
  • Arrived On: 12/13/2012
  • Adopted On: 04/01/2013
  • Right Ear: 110B
  • Left Ear: 54996
  • Sire: Dodgem By Design
  • Dam: PG Breakin News
  • Adopted By: Wagner, Blake
  • DOB: 11/21/2010
  • Weight: 66 lbs.
  • Pet Safe Note: May be cat workable/Small dog safe